Empowering Voices on Every Campus

The Campus Ambassador Program is designed to empower students to become advocates for disability inclusion and awareness on their campuses. Ambassadors play a vital role in promoting our NGO’s mission, organizing events, and creating a more inclusive environment for students with disabilities.

Advocacy and Awareness

Elevating disability awareness and inclusion on campus through various initiatives and events.

Community Engagement

Building a supportive community on campus, fostering connections, and encouraging dialogue around disability issues.

Leadership Development

Enhancing leadership skills among ambassadors, preparing them for future roles as change-makers.

Event Organization and Management

Campus Ambassadors are trained to plan and execute various events, workshops, and awareness campaigns, effectively spreading the message of inclusion and understanding. They learn to manage logistics, collaborate with campus authorities, and engage the student body.

Networking and Collaboration

The program offers opportunities for ambassadors to network with like-minded individuals, collaborate with other organizations, and build connections that extend beyond the campus. These networks serve as a platform for shared learning and collective action in the field of disability inclusion.

Skill Building and Personal Growth

Apart from advocacy, the program focuses on the personal and professional growth of the ambassadors. This includes training in communication, leadership, and project management, equipping them with skills that are valuable in their academic and future professional lives.

Our process


Application and Selection

Students interested in becoming Campus Ambassadors apply through a detailed application process, where their motivation and commitment to the cause are assessed.


Training and Orientation

Selected ambassadors undergo comprehensive training and orientation, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge for their role.


Active Campus Involvement

Ambassadors implement their learning by actively participating in and leading various inclusion initiatives on their campuses.


Continuous Support and Evaluation

Ongoing support is provided to ambassadors, along with regular evaluations to enhance their performance and impact.